DIY Marbel Moon Phases
Hello flowers! Today I bring you a really fun, cheap and easy DIY to spice up your room or your office! Marbel is always a trend and its goes perfect with the moon phase pattern. It's perfect for those who like to have a minimalistic aura in their space, and for those who don't really like colors!
a round cookie cuter or a round lid
a rolin pin
a knife
reference image
1)Cut the clay into the amount of spheres you need. For my version, I made 7 phases.
2)Then, take small pieces of white clay and attach them to the black sphere.
3) After that, you need to roll the ball into a snake-like shape, attach the two ends and twist until you get something like the next picture.
4) Then you need to make it into a ball again.
5) With the rolling pin, open it (TIPS! DON''T make it too thin and DONT push it too hard, because it may stick to your working surface and you will have to start again.)
6) Take your cookie cutter or lid and cut the shape of each phase of the moon. Repeat until you have all your shapes! (For all of the I fist cut a full moon and then, with a knife or the cutter I shape them as i want!)
And you are done making your marber moon phase! You can put them were ever you like, I personally stack them with some tack-it on the wall as seen in the first picture.
Thank you so much for reading my blog, if you have any suggestions leave them in the comments down below! More DIY projects are on the way, Stay Tuned!
Got any question? Comment down below and I will be happy to answer!