What made me go Vegan

Hello everyone!  So I would like to share with you the story of how I became a vegan. Its pretty sad, but until the age of 15 I d...

Hello everyone! 
So I would like to share with you the story of how I became a vegan.

Its pretty sad, but until the age of 15 I didn't even know that some people on this earth don't eat meat, cheese and eggs. I thought everyone had a huge meat feast at Sundays and that on Easter you definitely have to consume lamb. So one day I saw a photo on the internet saying "Vegan. For the Planet". And beeing a curious teenager I searched what this vegan word meant. And that's how I found out what a vegan lifestyle is.
Fast forward 3 years, I stumbled across a video from Kalel (Then Watch as Live and Stuff) were she was talking about veganism. I was like "WOW this is great look how healthy she is and how happy she looks. Im definitely going vegetarian." And I remember the day after my boyfriend came to my house and we wanted takeout and he was like "So what do you want?" and I said "Pizza, with no meat." And when we had the food in front of us, I remember just looking at him demolishing his pasta (with bacon of curse) and I told him  "F*ck this I want pasta too" and that's how my first try of giving up meat went.
After that I just kept the idea in the back of my head and in the summer, after me and my boyfriend had returned from our trip something just clicked inside me and I said "No more meat. Never"
After that I started studying scientific researches about veganism, I watched a lot of documentaries and speeches. After a lot of hour in front of the computer, I understood that milk cheese and eggs industry is doing as  much harm as the meat one to the environment. Plus I got disgusted by how many health problems their consumption could cause and my apatite for these products was gone. 
So that's basically the story of how I became a vegan! 
Hope you found it entertaining! 

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